The dripping of the rain onto the porch railing and the copper roof of the birdfeeder. The quiet stillness, rich in its peace without the Duke moving about on the back porch. The playfulness of Pete the Cat as he enjoys the back porch, dog-free, and chases bugs, geckos, or nothing at all. He pretends he’s smelling the flowers in my hanging basket but I know he’s scouting for my birds, and I will not allow him to get one. He gives me the longing look with those green eyes, and I stare him down. I love Pete, and I know he’s just acting on instinct, but I so enjoy the variety of birds we have in our back yard that I won’t give Pete the chance to act on that instinct. The birds aren’t quite as confident about that.
It’s one of the rare Saturday Mornings when I have no obligations that day, I can sleep until I wake naturally (goodness, I must have needed that 12 hours!!), and I can pray, write and read to my heart’s content. Time will pass and I won’t even notice, so unusual for a person driven by the clock, by its every 5 minute increment on other days of the week. My walk this morning was delightful – once I turned off our busy street, I found the same quiet stillness, the rich green of hopeful nature after a long rain and thunderstorm last night. After last year’s drought, and the fires, we welcome every single drop, no matter how or when it comes.
Once again I acknowledge the power of God Almighty, giver of every breath and producer of rain, wind, temperatures cold or hot, and all the scents that come with the elements of the weather. It is amazing when I read in the Old Testament and find so much Truth about nature. Long before our modern day scientists and technology, the Bible was declaring that the earth was round, that air has weight (which Galileo later proved), oceans and wind have currents (Matthew Maury’s studies revealed that), light travels, and planet Earth hangs in the universe supported by nothing – except the setup of that universe which God designed. I marvel about the current archaeology discoveries which have confirmed events described in the Bible, many of which were thought impossible or just stories of the human mind. Like the walls of Jericho which fell down flat on top of themselves, unlike other ancient cities’ ruins, or the existence of a people called the Hittites, talked about only in the Bible. Even the creation of man out of dust is validated in this Book. The 16 elements that make up the human body also make up the earth’s crust. Time after time the Bible is proven to be true scientifically; even without faith, we don’t need to look to theories for how man and nature came to be. The Truth is already recorded for us, put down thousands of years ago. All we have to do is expose ourselves to it and believe.
The air is cool this morning; I am glad for the warmth of my sweats. How shall I spend the rest of this day, this precious gift of time? I am in regular touch with my children and grandchildren so I feel satisfied there. My book is in the evaluation stage, both with the judges of the writing contest and with my newly found editor who just received the manuscript yesterday, so nothing to do there at the moment (finally!) I have some transcription to do for my citizen journalist peers and for a friend at church, but that won’t take long. I will spend a good chunk of this time in the best way I know – in communion with my Maker with prayer, reading His Word, writing in my prayer and praise journal, and listening for Him to speak. For when His children come to Him He does speak. Whether by His word, jumping off the page to touch some life circumstance, or by the word of a friend, or into my spirit where it lodges until I think it through or act upon it. A mystery, but a grand one.
Thank you, Father, for this gift of today. Help me to spend it wisely.