So I just got back from spending Monday evening with the
Mays. It was Magical. I arrived with supper, including Mac &
cheese and a Medley of vegetables with a side of baked chicken. Molly and eMily both said beautiful prayers
over the Meal. For dessert eMily made homeMade
snowcones – mmmm delicious.
After supper in eMily’s room there was a book fair. I purchased three books for the bargain price
of $3.
We Managed to play Most of a game of Mousetrap before
discovering one of the pieces was Missing.
Molly is even learning to wait her turn and count her spaces to Move,
but her idea of rolling the dice is throwing it across the floor.
Then eMily found a Miniature bag of M&M Minis in My
purse. I had her distribute them evenly
aMongst the three of us but I’m pretty sure I didn’t get to eat all of Mine.
Their Mom was busy Making lunches for tomorrow while their
aMazing Dad cleaned up the kitchen, including eMily’s snow cone Machine. Most parents of young children are this kind
of busy.
Music was the next order of entertainment. eMily asked her dad to put on the Music; he
cued up Hall of the Mountain King, then pressed play. eMily proceeded to perform a graceful and
well-choreographed dance, with fluid and graceful Movements using arms, legs
and head. Her timing was perfect as the
Music picked up speed, and her exquisitely timed finish to the sudden ending
was Majestic.
I am humbled and pleased that my presence is still
Motivating for them to get PJs on, teeth brushed and clothes picked out for
tomorrow so we can have a little More time together saying goodbye. With the two pajaMa’ed girls in my lap, we
quieted down as I recalled special Memories of each of them. First eMily and the Rollaway
cart Memory from when she was 4. For
Molly, it was a More recent recollection of My driving her to her new
school. I used My navigation system, or “navigator”
as eMily calls it, and after Making a couple of wrong turns assured her we
would get there and she would know it when the checkered flag appeared on my
nav screen. Finally we arrived at Molly’s
school. From her carseat in the back,
Molly said with relief as we pulled into a parking spot, “Oh, the beautiful
checkered flag.”
A Monday with the Mays.
Most excellent.